Student Perspective: Viet Vu, 4th year Honours Economics

This blog post was written by a student who has participated in MEoTs. Feel free to leave any comments in response. To share your own experiences as an instructor or student, submit an entry of your own!

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Hello there! My name is Viet and I’m a fourth year Honours Economics student. The courses that I took where the instructor conducted mid term evaluations were MATH220 – Mathematical Proof (Winter of 2012) and MATH321 – Real Variables 2.

How did having your instructor conduct MEoTs positively impact your experiences of your courses?

One really important message that was implicitly communicated through conducting midterm evaluations was that the professor really cared about the students and how he wanted to improve his teachings. It was also necessary because the way our professor approached teaching the material was a bit unconventional and different from other classes. The mid term evaluation was conducted right after the first midterm and allowed our professor time to address all of the concerns before our second midterm and the final for this class.

After the MEoT, the professor quickly went through the result of the evaluation as well as how he planned to address the issues raised in the evaluation which made it extremely clear that students’ opinions were heard.

Was there anything that surprised you about the process of participating in MEoTs?

How open the professor was in discussing the result as well as talking with students on the strategies that he could employ to improve their experience was definitely surprising to me.

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